Elephantopus scaber L.

Etymology Genus Elephant's foot
Species Rough; referring to the texture of the plant
Family Asteraceae
Synonyms Elephantopus carolinensis G.Mey., Elephantopus sordidus Salisb.
Common Names Elephant's Foot
Status Undetermined
Form Herb
Native Distribution Tropical America, Africa, Asia, Australia


Elephantopus scaber is a common weed among lawns. It has dark green elongated leaves arranged in a rosette at the base. The leaf margins are uneven or serrated. A flowering stem extends out where it ends with 3 bracts holding the purple flowers.

Interesting Facts:

The Elephant's Foot's leaves and roots are widely used traditionally as used as a tonic, expulsion of intestinal worms, diuretic, febrifuge, and as a cough remedy (Globinmed, 2010).

Flowering stalks of the Elephant's Foot emerging from the lawn.

Form of the Elephant's Foot.

Leaves are arranged in a rosette.

Close-up of the flowers subtended by 3 bracts.


Globinmed. (2010) Elephantopus scaber. Global Information Hub on Integrated Science, Institute of Medical Research, Ministry of Health, Malaysia. http://www.globinmed.com. Accessed on 19-Apr-2014.

Author: Siyang
Posted: 2014-04-19 / Modified: 2017-12-25