Eulophia graminea Lindl.

Etymology Genus Beautiful crests (on the lip of the flower)
Species Grass-like
Family Orchidaceae
Synonyms -
Common Names Chinese Crown Orchid
Status Undetermined
Form Herb
Native Distribution India, Ryukyi Islands, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia


Eulophia graminea is a ground orchid with erect inflorescence stalks and small inconspicuous flowers. The flowers are diagnostic.

Interesting Facts:

This is the most common ground orchid found in urban areas of Singapore, appearing on lawns, parks, and scrublands.

Form of the Chinese Crown Orchid.

Leaves. Note the pseudobulb at the base.

Close-up view of the inflorescence.


Seed capsule.



Author: Siyang
Posted: 2014-11-15 / Modified: 2017-12-25