Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth

Etymology Genus From the common name of the plant, Tecomaxochitl
Species Erect, reference to plant unknown
Family Bignoniaceae
Synonyms Gelseminum stans (L.) Kuntze, Stenolobium stans (L.) Seem.
Common Names Yellow Bells, Trumpet Bush
Status Exotic: Cultivated Only
Form Shrub or small tree
Native Distribution Tropical America


Tecoma stans is a short shrubby plant seldom more than 2m tall. The flowers consists of showy yellow flowers packed in clusters. The compound leaf is imparipinnate, consisting of either 3 or 5 leaflets. Each leaflet have strongly serrated margins.

Interesting Facts:

PIER (1999) classified the Yellow Bells as a high-risk weed in the Pacific Islands, being able to grow in dense thickets, hence inhibiting the establishment of native species.

The form of the Yellow Bells at Hougang Mall.

Compound leaf with 5 leaflets.

The bright yellow flowers occur in clusters.

The leaf may also have 3 leaflets.

The venation of the leaflet at the underside.

Dehisced fruits which have splitted and released the seeds.


PIER (1999) Tecoma stans. Pacific Island Ecosystem at Risk (PIER), Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry. http://www.hear.org/pier/. Accessed on 19-Jun-2013.

Author: Siyang
Posted: 2013-06-19 / Modified: 2017-12-25