Ventilago malaccensis Ridl.

Etymology Genus Of the wind, referring to the wind dispersal of the fruits
Species from Malacca, Malaysia
Family Rhamnaceae
Synonyms -
Common Names Malacca Ventilago
Status Native: Endangered
Form Climber
Native Distribution Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore (presence in these two countries but possibly covering wider than this)


Ventilago malaccensis is a scrambling woody vine found in our forests. The leaves are alternately arranged and serrated at the margins. The single winged fruit is diagnostic.

A close relative, Ventilago maingayi is also found in Singapore. The leaves however, are non-serrated. The fruits are similarly winged, but has a tapered end instead. The seed (rounded end) is much fatter too.

Interesting Facts:

While hard to spot because they are usually high up the tree canopies, the Malacca Ventilago appears to be widely distributed around Bukit Timah and Central Catchment Nature Reserves. This was evident from the recent fruiting which scattered the winged fruits around many forest trails.

A scrambling vine of Malacca Ventilago in Central Catchment Nature Reserve.

Leaf arrangement.

Note the serrated margins and venation.


Young fruits.




Author: Siyang
Posted: 2014-08-26 / Modified: 2017-12-25