
Egyptian Finger Grass
Dactyloctenium aegyptium
Pink Mempat
Cratoxylum formosum
Monkey's Potato
Plectranthus monostachyus
Bat Lily
Tacca integrifolia

Moths and Butterflies

Tropical Swallowtail Moth
Lyssa zampa
Dysphania subrepleta
Devil's Eye Moth
Erebus ephesperis
Pagoda Bagworm
Pagodiella hekmeyeri

Native Distribution

While all the plants featured can be found in Singapore, many of them have origins that span across the world, from Singapore to Africa and America, and from tropical to the temperate climate.

This map shows the native distributions of the 395 species that are currently featured in the Urban Forest.


Search for a Plant

Have a plant that you can't identify? Search within the plant index featuring an extensive archive of 395 species of plants in Singapore. Each species comes with a complete posting with photos and description. This is the key feature and aim of Urban Forest.

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Singapore might be a sprawling urban city, but we have a diverse number of urban and natural habitats. From the primary rainforest in Bukit Timah Hill and the coastal mangroves in Sungei Buloh, to our parks and urban gardens.

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Phylogenetic Tree

Interested in knowing the evolutionary relationships of all the plant families you see in this website? How are flowering plants, ferns, monocots grouped? Check out this phylogenetic tree and learn more about their common ancestors!

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