Grasslands which are frequently mowed. Still, many weeds, or as some would call them, wild flowers thrive here.
Relics of past plantations and kampungs. Abundant in fruit trees like durians and rambutans.
A secondary forest dominated by Adinandra dumosa and other native species like Dillenia suffruticosa, Fagraea fragrans and Rhodamnia cinerea.
Muddy, soaked with salt water, and even inundated during high tide. Some plants just love it wet!
Able to surive on sandy substrate. Like those in rocky cliff habitat, they grow above the high tide mark.
Grows near the sea, but normally does not touch the water; except for sprays from waves. Grows off the rocks on cliffs.
Our last remaining freshwater swamp forest lies deep in the Central Catchment Nature Reserve.
*Rainforest is excluded from this list as their immense diversity of plant species does not help a user as intuitively. Use the advanced search instead for this habitat.