Bruguiera cylindrica (L.) Blume

Etymology Genus After Jean Guillaume Bruguiere, a 18th century French biologist and explorer
Species Cylinderical, likely referring to the propagules
Family Rhizophoraceae
Synonyms Rhizophora cylindrica L.
Common Names Bakau Putih
Status Native: Common
Form Tree
Native Distribution Southeast Asia to Northern Australia


Bruguiera cylindrica is a common tree found in at the seaward side of a mangrove. It is generally smaller than other congeners in terms of the leaves, flowers, and propagules. The calyx are distinct for the genus, with the lobes being green and slightly recurved. The propagules are cylindrical and slightly curved.

Interesting Facts:

The wood of the Bakau Putih is used as firewood. The young roots of the embryo is also eaten with sugar and coconut (Giesen et al., 2006).

A tree in Pasir Ris Mangrove (2020).


Leaves in spiral arrangement.




Distinct calyx.

Kneed Roots.


Giesen W, Wulffraat S, Zieren M &  Scholten L (2006) Mangrove guidebook for Southeast Asia. RAP Publication 2006/07. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and Wetlands International. Bangkok. 769 pp.

Author: Siyang
Posted: 2020-03-29 / Modified: 2020-03-30

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