Calophyllum soulattri Burm. f.

Etymology Genus From Greek kalos (beautiful) and phyllon (leaf)
Species Unknown
Family Calophyllaceae
Synonyms Calophyllum tetrapetalum Roxb.
Common Names Bintangor Bunut, Malang-Malang, Mintak, Nicobar Canoe-Tree
Status Native: Critically Endangered
Form Tree
Native Distribution Indochina, Malesia, Australia, Papuasia


Calophyllum soulattri is a common tree planted along our roads in recent years. In its native habitat, it is found along the edges of rivers, and in lowland to lower montane rainforests, or sometimes in mangrove forests (NParks, 2009). Typical of Calophyllum species, the leathery leaves have many faint, almost perpendicular secondary veins, and a thick raised mid-vein from the underside. The leaves are narrow and young ones are commonly red.

Interesting Facts:

Parts of the plant are known to have traditional medicinal value; the roots are used to treat rheumatic pains, and the leaves & roots are used to treat urinary tract infection (NParks, 2009).

A cultivated tree along Upper Serangoon Crest (2020).


Leaf underside.





NParks. (2009) Trees of Our Garden City: A Guide to the Common Trees of Singapore. 2nd Edition. National Parks Board, Singapore. 382 pp.

Author: Siyang
Posted: 2020-07-26 / Modified: 2020-08-02

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