Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M.Sm.

Etymology Genus Unknown
Species Tall, with reference to the height of the plant
Family Zingiberaceae
Synonyms -
Common Names Torch Ginger, Kantan
Status Exotic: Cultivated Only
Form Herb
Native Distribution Indonesia, Thailand


Etlingera elatior is a large herb with underground stems where branches grows upwards to 6 meters. The elongated leaves have wavy margins and can grow to a length of 85 cm. The pink-red flowers are distinct.

It prefers moist conditions hence they are frequently cultivated near water bodies.

Interesting Facts:

The immature flower of the Torch Ginger has an aromatic and zesty flavor. This makes it an essential ingredient in various Southeast Asian dishes like the Penang Asam Laska.

Along Mandai Boardwalk, 2025.


Leaf sheath.




Author: Siyang
Posted: 2025-02-09

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