Fagraea ridleyi King & Gamble

Etymology Genus After Jonas Theodor Fagraeus, a 18th century Swedish naturalist
Species After Henry Nicholas Ridley, 20th century botanist
Family Gentianaceae
Synonyms -
Common Names Ridley's Fagraea, Buah Telan Kenyalang
Status Native: Critically Endangered
Form Epiphyte or climbing shrub
Native Distribution Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore


Fagraea ridleyi is a climbing or straggly small tree, where it was said that only one lone individual is known on a rocky cliff of Sentosa within Singapore. Previous records (Singapore Herbarium Online, 2012) have also found them growing on rocks and trees, and in dipterocarp forests and along rivers in Peninsular Malaysia & Singapore.

Interesting Facts:

NParks (2016) has since announced the conservation efforts to propagate and reintroduce several vulnerable plant and animal, including Fagraea ridleyi.

Lone specimen on a coastal cliff in Sentosa.

Close-up showing the oppositely arranged leaves.

Leaves with prominent veins.


NParks (2016) NParks further identifies 46 threatened native plants and animals for species recovery programmes. National Parks Board, Media Release. 2-Sep-2016.

Singapore Herbarium

Author: Siyang
Posted: 2018-11-21 / Modified: 2018-11-25

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