Khaya senegalensis (Desv.) A.Juss.

Etymology Genus After their native common names Kaye or Khaye
Species From Senegal, Africa
Family Meliaceae
Synonyms Swietenia senegalensis Desv.
Common Names Senegal Mahogany, African Mahogany
Status Exotic: Cultivated Only
Form Tree
Native Distribution Tropical West Africa


Khaya senegalensis is a large tree capable growing up to 30m with girth of up to 2m. Most distinctive are their compound leaves which may or may not have a terminal leaflet. Each leaflet are oblong or elliptic in shape. The leaves grow in clusters hence resulting in a bushy foliage.

Interesting Facts:

The Senegal Mahogany has been introduced to Singapore in the 1970s (NParks, 2001), and popularly cultivated as a roadside tree since then, being consistently one of the top 10 most commonly cultivated tree in Singapore (The Straits Times, 1988; Auger, 2013). The wood is highly valued for the figurative grain and reddish mahogany brown colour (NParks, 2001).

Lush foliage of a Senegal Mahogany at Hougang Bus Interchange.

Characteristic compound leaves.

Huge trunk with a pedestrian beside as a scale.


Close-up of flowers.

Flat seeds.


Auger T. (2013) Living in a Garden: The Greening of Singapore. National Parks Board, Singapore. 200 pp.

NParks. (2001) Trees of Our Garden City: A Guide to the Common Trees of Singapore. 1st Edition. National Parks Board, Singapore.

The Straits Times. (1988) The top fifteen trees. The Straits Times, Singapore. 19-Oct-1988.

Author: Siyang
Posted: 2018-11-20 / Modified: 2018-11-21

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