Piper sarmentosum Roxb.

Etymology Genus Pepper
Species Producing a runner, referring to its creeping habit
Family Piperaceae
Synonyms Piper albispicum C. DC., Piper baronii C. DC., Piper lolot C. DC.
Common Names Wild Pepper, Wild Betel, Kadok, Kaduk, Chabei
Status Native: Common
Form Creeping herb
Native Distribution China, India, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines


Piper sarmentosum is a erect herb commonly cultivated in shaded or semi-shaded areas. The leaves are dark green, heart-shaped, and like other Piper species, a distinct venation radiating from the leaf base.

Interesting Facts:

Parts of the herb is used for traditional remedies (Samy et al., 2014). The roots are mixed with Betel Nut (Areca catechu) and chewed, swallowing the juice, to treat coughs and asthma. Also, the shoots and young leaves are dipped in sambal and eaten raw (known as ulam).

A stretch of path planted with Wild Piper.



Young fruits.


Samy J, M Sugumaran & KLW Lee. (2014) 100 Useful Herbs of Malaysia and Singapore. Marshall Cavendish Edition, Singapore. 247 pp.

Author: Siyang
Posted: 2017-06-11 / Modified: 2017-12-25

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