Punica granatum L.

Etymology Genus After the Roman common name of the plant, punicum malum
Species Many seeds
Family Lythraceae
Synonyms -
Common Names Pomegranate
Status Exotic: Cultivated Only
Form Shrub
Native Distribution India, Western Asia


Punica granatum is a very common shrub cultivated at private gardens for its edible fruits. It has a shrubby form with sparse foliage due to its thin leaves. The leaves are oppositely arrange, elongated and with reddish petioles. The fruits are impossible to not to recognise.

Interesting Facts:

The Pomegranate was mentioned in the Old Testament on several occasions. The fruit was used as decorations on Hebrew priests' robes (Exodus 28: 33-34) and temples (1 Kings 7: 18, 20, 42; Jeremiah 52: 22-23), and was named as one of the seven food of the land God promised to the Israelis (Deuteronomy 8: 8).

In Buddhism, the Pomegranate is one of the three scared fruits together with the Citrus and Peach.

Form of the Pomegrande; shrubby and sparse thin foliage.

Bright red fruit with the persistant calyx at the tip.

Leaves are opposite, elongated, and have red petioles.

Flower. Note the bell-shaped calyx that form the tip of the fruit.

Sliced fruit showing the seeds and flesh around them.



Author: Siyang
Posted: 2013-07-09 / Modified: 2017-12-25

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