Trema cannabina Lour.

Etymology Genus From Greek, Trema, meaning hole or aperture; referring to the pitted stone in the fruit
Species Cannabis-like; reference to plant unknown
Family Cannabaceae
Synonyms Trema timorensis Blume, Trema virgata (Roxb. ex Wall.) Blume
Common Names Lesser Trema, Poison Bush
Status Native: Common
Form Shrub
Native Distribution China, Japan, Tropical Asia, Australia (Queensland), Pacific Islands


Trema cannabina is a shrub found commonly along edges of our rainforests. It can be easily distinguished from the alternately arranged leaves, which have serrated margins and a long tapering drip tip. The primary veins comes in 3, with the mid-vein also branching prominently 2-3 times more into secondary veins (eFloras, n.d.).

Interesting Facts:

The fiber of the Lesser Trema is used for manufacturing ropes and paper, while the seed oil is used for soaps and lubricants (eFloras, n.d.).

A bush of Lesser Trema at the edge of a forest.

A branch, showing the leaves' long drip tips and alternative arrangement.

Fruit and serrated margins of the leaves.


eFloras (n.d.) Trema cannabina. Flora of China. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge. Accessed on 23-Nov-2018.

Author: Siyang
Posted: 2018-11-24 / Modified: 2018-11-25

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