Ludwigia hyssopifolia (G.Don) Exell

Etymology Genus After Christian Gottlieb Ludwig, 18th century professor of natural history and medicine
Species Having leaves resembling Hyssop
Family Onagraceae
Synonyms Fissendocarpa linifolia (Vahl) Bennet, Jussiaea hyssopifolia G.Don, Jussiaea weddellii Micheli
Common Names Water Primrose, Narrow-Leaved Malayan Willow-Herb
Status Undetermined
Form Herb
Native Distribution Africa, China, Tropical Asia, Australia, Mexico, Southern America


Ludwigia hyssopifolia is a herb that is usually found in waterlogged areas like within drains. The lance-shape leaves are glossy with prominent secondary veins. The yellow flowers are 4-petaled with pointed ends. It can be differentiated from another relative, Ludwigia octovalvis with the latter's petals having rounded ends, with longer and narrower leaf blades.

Interesting Facts:

Extracts of the Water Primrose was found to have anti-tumour, antibacterial and anti-diarrhoeal properties (Banibrata, 2007; Mohammad et al., 2003). The plant is said to be dispersed by flowing water through its buoyant seeds (CABI, n.d.).

A Water Primrose growing at a monsoon drain.



Flower close-up.


Banibrata Das, Juthika Kundu, Bachar SC, Uddin MA & Kundu JK (2007) Antitumor and antibacterial activity of ethylacetate extract of Ludwigia hyssopifolia Linn and its active principle piperine. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 20(2):128-131.

CABI (n.d.). Ludwigia hyssopifolia (water primrose). Invasive Species Compendium, Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International. Accessed on 27-Nov-2018.

Mohammad Shaphiullah, Bachar SC, Kundu JK, Farida Begum, Uddin MA, Roy SC & Khan MTH (2003) Antidiarrheal activity of the methanol extract of Ludwigia hyssopifolia Linn. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 16(1): 7-11.

Author: Siyang
Posted: 2018-11-28

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