Melothria pendula L.

Etymology Genus After the Greek name for Bryony
Species Hanging; probably referring to the fruits
Family Cucurbitaceae
Synonyms Apodanthera gracilis Benth., Bryonia convolvulifolia Schltdl.
Common Names Creeping Cucumber, Guadeloupe Cucumber
Status Exotic: Naturalised
Form Climber
Native Distribution Throughout America (from USA to Argentina)


Melothria pendula is a very common sun-loving climber. The leaf margins have sparsely lined with teeth, and are gently concaved. Unlike another similar species Coccinia grandis, the leaves of M. pendula, while variable, are always one-lobed. The yellow flowers are also very minute (about 0.5cm).

Interesting Facts:

From its native habitat in America, the Creeping Cucumber have escaped and naturalised throughout tropical Asia, and Africa (de Wilde & Duyfjes, 2010).

The Creeping Cucumber climbing over a shrub at the fringes of a nature reserve.

Note the sparsely toothed margins of the leaf.

Tendrils are coiling.

The yellow flowers are very tiny,

Fruit are small, about 1.5cm long.

The seeds.


De Wilde WJJO & BEE Duyfjes. (2010) Cucurbitaceae. Flora Malesiana, 19: 1-342.

Author: Siyang
Posted: 2012-07-31 / Modified: 2019-08-27

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